
Monday 16 January 2017

How my work out to rehab my shoulder is going!

Hi Guys

I just wanted to give an update on my shoulder issues and how my workout routine is going from my blog post below:

Well i haven't thrown a dart properly in 2017 yet however i do feel that my exercises and workouts are going well and i have dropped some body mass which had really taken the pressure off my back, and hips.

My shoulder is actually starting to give me less daily grief and my overall movement and flexibility is much improved.

I have added 2 more exercises after exercise 8 so my routine now looks like this:

  1. Light deadlifts: 180lbs
  2. Squats: 180 lbs
  3. Bench Press: 120 lbs
  4. Lat Pulldowns 120 lbs
  5. Standing Good Mornings 60 lbs
  6. Barbell Curl 60 lbs
  7. Tricep pushdown 60 lbs
  8. Behind Neck Barbell press 60 lbs
  9. Front dumbell Raise 8 - 10lbs
  10. Side Dumbell Raise 8 - 10lbs
  11. Lunges 30 lbs
  12. Incline crunches (work way up to 100)
  13. Side bends (with dumbbell) 60 lbs
  14. Laying bench side leg raises
Im hoping that in the next few days i'll be able to pick a dart up and throw without issue!

I'll keep you posted


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